
It’s time to go home. Steve has had enough of life on the road. I miss my friends and family, but I could spend another week or month traveling. We had a tornado delay in Oklahoma which goofed up my plans slightly. Now we are packing up, driving, setting up, sleeping, packing up, driving, setting up, sleeping for several days in a row. We still manage to find some fun stuff to do.

As much as I wanted to see a rodeo, Steve wanted to see a ghost town. I did the best I could to accommodate him. Tuesday, we went to Ingalls OK, the scene of a gun battle between the Dalton – Doolin Gang and a posse of lawmen. It’s one of the most infamous gun battles in Oklahoma. Most of the gang escaped. There’s a monument to 3 fallen U.S. Deputy Marshals and some old decrepit buildings. Also, a cemetery that has fallen into disrepair. We were both taken aback by the number of children’s graves. Back in the day life was tough. Many families lost multiple kids. Once again, I’m reminded how fortunate we are to benefit from healthcare advances.

Wednesday, we traveled to Lebanon Mo. After setting up camp we had enough time to go to the Uranus fudge factory. You can’t make this stuff up. Uranus is a shopping area that has a silly store, goofy museum, and food concessions. The store has a great deal of fun with their name and the fudge is delicious. That’s about all we did in Missouri because as I said Steve is ready to be home.

We spent a night in Illinois and then we drove through Indiana to Galena Ohio. The weather turned markedly colder the minute we got to Ohio. I would have been content to stay out West for another week or two. Just saying. Anyway, we continued on to Pennsylvania. We traveled all day in cold driving rain. It wasn’t fun. I’m not saying it’s Steve’s fault, but it kind of is. We hunkered down for a couple of days in cool drizzle. It was good to take a break from driving. Only one more stop in New York and we’ll be home. I’m planning our next trip already.

Things you see in Pennsylvania on a drizzly day


One thought on “Homesick?”

  1. Whew! I can’t say I’m happy your adventure is ending as I have thoroughly enjoyed experiencing the trip with you. I could have done without the ghost town but love cemeteries! I AM happy you’ll be playing Pickleball with us though! See you on the court.

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