Whole lotta fund raising going on

As my training regimen intensifies, fundraising also ramps up. When I embarked on this adventure, I was concerned with my physical strength. At the outset, my muscles had the consistency of pudding and I got winded on the escalator.  I recognized that I would have to dedicate a significant amount of time to training. I knew that I would have to finish strong with my fundraising in order to meet my $10,000.00 goal. That is what I am attempting to do, finish strong with a fundraising push in the last 2 months. We leave for Africa March 17 and the end date for funds is April 1.

Our team fundraiser, The Zombie Prom was Saturday Feb 4th. It was a smashing success. My team mate Christine and I were the makeup queens. For a donation, we would apply Zombie makeup. The serious Zombies showed up with makeup and some of them were impressive.

Impressive makeup
My team and I

As a team, we raised over $3000.00 and it was a blast!  We had the event at Jalapeno’s in Bellingham and the food and drinks were excellent. Drinking, dancing and zombie debauchery made for an entertaining evening.

I am hosting a fundraiser concert Sat. Feb 18. Dave McLellen of C.I.Y.L.R. (Concert in your living room) is donating his time and talent. My friends Meg and Paul are kindly providing the venue. Meg mentioned in an offhand way that I could use her house for an event. Unbeknownst to her I had recently contacted Dave about doing the concert. The words were no sooner out of her mouth when I took her up on the offer. They have a nice open concept home that should work great for a classical guitar concert.  So far, I have sold 18 tickets and people have been generous, paying anywhere from $20-100.00 per ticket. There are at least six other people who say they are going, but haven’t purchased a ticket yet. It is driving me a little crazy. Seating is limited so I need to keep close track of the numbers. I want to sell 25 tickets, but I’m not sure if I should sell to other people or if they are really coming. Buy the ticket already would ya?  You can buy a ticket here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1306520436072819/

Handcrafted quilt donated by Christa Nee

My friend Christa donated one of her handcrafted quilts for me to raffle off. I’m calling it the Cosmic Quilt Raffle. I’ll be posting an event on Facebook to kick off the fundraiser. I need to sell at least 30 tickets at $10/each. I think the quilt is too attractive to let it go for any less than let. I may end up going door to door if I have to. You can buy a ticket by going to my Climb 2 Cure website and making a donation. I will mail you the raffle tickets.

So far, I have raised a little over $6000.00. When the funds from the Zombie Prom are disbursed, the tally will be near $7000.00. Three grand to go. Where am I going to find $3000.00 in donations? The quest continues. I’m training hard and chasing dollars. Kilimanjaro looms large.

You can donate here: Climb 2 Cure









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