1/2017 Is This Really Happening?

I’m leaving for Africa in about 70 days. It seems unreal. Am I actually going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa? I’ve paid the airfare and the expedition fee so I guess it’s truly happening. This is something I’ve dreamed about and now I’m doing it with a team of people. We’re all working toward a common purpose; raise money for LLS and raise awareness of blood cancers. Of course there is another goal, reach the summit. The mountain looms large in front of me. Time is flying by.

Training is going well…I think. I vacillate between confidence and self-doubt. When I’m hiking people fly by me. It doesn’t bother me too much when it’s younger kids. I know I can’t keep up with the 20 something crowd, but when they look over 40 I get a bit pissed off. I’ve been hiking and running on the treadmill and planking. Shouldn’t I be getting faster and stronger? I have to remind myself that a year ago walking 2 miles was a challenge. I hiked with my Climb2Cure group this weekend and we did 10.5 miles in 5.5 hours. I can run over 2 miles on the treadmill. I am getting stronger, but will I be strong enough by March to summit Kilimanjaro?

Fundraising is going well…I think. I waffle between feeling good about what I’ve raised and beating myself up for not doing more. I have raised a bit under $5000.00. I have a fundraising event scheduled for Feb 18 and my Climb2Cure group has a fundraiser scheduled for Feb. as well. February 4 we are holding a Zombie Prom. I’ve never heard of such a thing, but it looks like fun. The venue, Jalapeno’s in Bellingham, is donating the space. We have a DJ, Damont Batchelor, who is donating his services. I’ll be doing zombie make up. All in all, it looks like a good time and hopefully we’ll raise a bunch of money. Feb 18th I have a classical guitarist performing at my friend Meg’s house. Dave McLellen donates his time and talent for C.I.Y.L.R(Concert in your living room). His mission is “Spreading the joy of charitable giving and the classical guitar, one living room at a time.” Very cool. It will be a slightly different vibe than the Zombie Prom I imagine.

Yup it’s happening. Will I reach my goal of $10,000.00? Will I summit Kilimanjaro? There’s only one way to tell. Tune into the next thrilling installment of Gayle’s Climb 2 Cure Adventure.


Training in the Blue Hills. That’s my butt on the right.

4 thoughts on “1/2017 Is This Really Happening?”

  1. From a fellow gardener-
    Saw the article in the Daily News. Sounds like an exciting adventure. I have a friend who was just diagnosed with acute myleoid leukemia and I want to make a donation but could not figure out the team training website for donations. Is there somewhere I could send you a check?
    Happy climbing and best of luck,
    Susan Shipman

    1. Hi Susan,
      How is your friend? Have you heard how she is doing? You can contact me anytime to talk.
      Gayle Garlick

  2. You can do it and you will do it. From my perspective, your training is going great and your stamina improves everyday. That and your desire to succeed will go a long way on the trail. Be patient, don’t concern yourself with who is going faster and who appears stronger. Hike at your pace, enjoy yourself and appreciate the journey you decided to embark on. As Rob Schneider said in Waterboy, You Can Do It!

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