1/2017 Climb 2 Cure Inspiration

How did this hiking Kilimanjaro concept get started? It seems a little odd doesn’t it? A bunch of people from all over the U.S. climbing a mountain in Africa to raise funds for LLS. Well, here’s the scoop.

In 2014 Lila Javan, an Acute Myeloid Leukemia survivor, was planning a solo trip to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. As she was about to book her flight, her cancer came back after being in remission for almost 5 years. During her months in the hospital, her friends hung a picture of Kilimanjaro on her hospital room wall. This helped inspire Lila and keep her focused on her goal to get back to being healthy and climb that mountain. The photo became a talking point for nurses, doctors and visitors during her months at UCLA. She inspired many of these people to join her for the climb when she achieved remission. Lila decided to use this as an opportunity to give back. Working with Team in Training, a fundraising division of LLS, she formed teams of climbers throughout the U.S. that train together to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. The ultimate goal is raising ONE MILLION dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society mission. Donate Here: Climb 2 Cure

I find Lila’s story equally frightening and inspiring. She had the same type of leukemia as me. She endured months in the hospital. She received a stem cell transplant. So did I. She was healed and healthy and training to climb Kilimanjaro. Hey, me too. Then her fucking cancer came back. (I checked the thesaurus for a substitute for fucking. Damned was the only suggestion and that does not adequately express my thought.) She was nearly 5 years cancer free and it came back! I can’t tell you how chilling that is for me. When I finally came home from the hospital, I told Steve I could not go through that again. Lila did though. She made it through the AML protocol twice. That is truly inspiring. I guess that maybe I could if I had to.

Lila’s team from Los Angeles successfully climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro last week. That is inspirational. She beat AML twice and summited Mt Kilimanjaro! They sent home beautiful photos. I am excited for the Massachusetts team. Training and bonding with my team has been a moving experience. We have 8 weeks left to train and fundraise. The Zombie Prom is coming up Feb 4th. Concert in Your Living Room is Feb 18th and right now I have to get on the treadmill. Kilimanjaro looms large in front of me. As the time gets closer, I feel the mountain towering over me.

Lila’s Team
The Climb

Donate Here: Climb 2 Cure

I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in June 2015. After a grueling chemotherapy regimen I received a life saving Bone Marrow Transplant. I believe I’m cured. I’m extremely fortunate. 74% of adults diagnosed with AML will die within 5 years. That’s why I’m asking you to donate to my Team in Training fundraising page for CLIMB 2 CURE!

Thank you!

Gayle Garlick




2 thoughts on “1/2017 Climb 2 Cure Inspiration”

  1. It was great hiking with your teammate Maria today. She joined our TNT alumni group that got together in the Blue Hills. You will also be an official TNT alum once you tackle Kili, how great is that. Lila did it. You will too. Kick cancer’s ass.

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