11/2016 Because I Can

My performance on training hikes is much better. I threw up on the first hike so improvement is easy to attain. Seriously though, I’m doing fairly well. Saturday Nov. 12 I met Coach Tom and 3 of my Climb2Cure team mates in the Bluehills of Milton, Ma. We hiked uphill and down covering about 6 miles in 4 hours. Not record breaking time, however I felt much stronger. The extra hiking I’ve been doing at Wachusett is clearly helping.

Sat. the 19th we went to Mt. Monadnock in Jaffrey, NH. Coach Tom invited several of his friends and it was a gregarious group. Prior to starting the hike Tom christened me with my trail name; Bic. Huh? He explained it stands for “Because I Can”. Okay I’m good with that. I hike because I can. I fund raise because I can. I’m leaving cancer behind because I can. Several people called me Bic during the day and I was oblivious. This trail name thing is going to take some getting used to.

Back to the hike. I wasn’t sure I was ready for this. I’ve hiked Monadnock in the past and it is a bit of a challenge. We went up one of the steeper trails. I was just fine. I’ve never been a fast hiker, but I was able to poke along at a steady pace and summit fairly easily. We covered 6-7 miles and I was surprised that I didn’t struggle. I’m very encouraged to take on bigger challenges.

There is still much to do. Let’s not get over confident, Monadnock is a far cry from Kilimanjaro. My cardio and leg strength are surely improving, but I’m still weak. I am a long way from my fundraising goal of $10.000. and I don’t know how I’m going to pay for all the equipment I need. I’m going to do the best I can every day; Because I Can.

On Monadnock with some team mates. L->R  Me, Coach Tom, Christine, Dustin, Jeff

3 thoughts on “11/2016 Because I Can”

  1. Gayle, I have done four hikes with LLS over the years. Two Grand Canyons, Zion, and Yosemite. I am a friend of Tom’s and would have come to Monadnock, but we are out of town for Thanksgiving. I hope to do Kili next year. I will meet you this season at some point. It was perfect for me to read your post on Thanksgiving. A day we appreciate all that we have in our lives. While teammates might be younger and stronger, you are bringing something just as special to the table. Heart, love and commitment. You will work, you will prepare and you will have a life changing experience on your own terms, and that is a most empowering experience life can give. And you have a darn good coach to get you there. Get ready to achieve more than you thought possible ❤️

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