About Me


My Name is Gayle Garlick and I’m back. Originally this blog served the purpose of documenting my recovery from AML and a bone marrow transplant. I abandoned the blog after a couple of years. I didn’t want to talk about cancer anymore.

Now, I am in a new phase of life. My husband Steve and I are retired and beginning a new adventure. We’re traveling with our camper. We’ve never done anything like this before. Stay tuned as we meander around the country. This is Life after Leukemia.

Below is the original landing page for this blog (circa 2017)

In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. It was a harrowing experience. Today I am healthy and well and moving forward with my life. I feel a strong desire to raise awareness of blood cancers as well as raise funds for research. Recently I enrolled in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraiser “Climb 2 Cure”. I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in March 2017. Thanks to support from countless people I was able to raise over $11,000.00 for LLS. You can read about the climb here: The answer-is-yes. The training leading up to the hike starts here: kilimanjaro-whos-idea-was-that? This blog will chronicle my journey from cancer survivor, bone marrow transplant recipient to intrepid mountaineer and beyond.

Thanks for following along.

That’s me in the white coat.
